Working Group 2 (WG2)
Collaborative Evaluation

The objectives of WG2 are to:
- identify and evaluate existing AT including, but limited to, computer AT, virtual reality technologies, wearable technologies, artificial intelligence, robotics and apps for enhancing social inclusion of individuals with ASD and/or ID;
- achieve better understanding of AT abandonment issues to inform the development of practice guidelines;
- gain a better understanding of the factors impacting the use of AT within the ASD and/or ID community across cultures, populations, and contexts; and
- facilitate the acceleration of the knowledge translation from research to practice.

Tasks & Deliverables
- Synthesize current knowledge on AT applications through comprehensive systematic reviews and meta-analyses to evaluate the appropriateness, effectiveness, feasibility and sustainability of existing AT. [D2.1 Summary report of systematic reviews and meta-analyses]
- Integrate a framework of best practices related to AT applications. [D2.2 Reports of best practices]
- Design and implement a Delphi study and focus groups with all stakeholders to understand a range of perspectives and preferences in relation to AT within education and employment context. [D2.3 Report summarizing findings and implications]
- Establish priorities for future translational research via the identification and promotion of best practices in the use of AT. [D2.4 List of research priorities]

- MS6: Delphi study and focus groups conducted
- MS7: Priorities established