Working Group 5 (WG51)
Dissemination and Education

The objectives of WG5 are to:
- promote the use of AT and facilitate the adoption of best practices for enhancing social inclusion;
- foster joint dissemination of knowledge and experience resulting from this network (P4); and
- provide education and training opportunities for a-STEP network.

Tasks & Deliverables
- Prepare dissemination plan and materials with special focus on health care representatives [D5.1 Dissemination plan and materials].
- Prepare education plan and materials for public [D5.2 Education plan and materials].
- Disseminate scientific information via (open-access) publications, e.g. consensus documents from WG2 and WG3, conference presentations, special issue of an international peer-reviewed journal, non-academic briefs/reports, etc. [D5.3 Publications and presentations].
- Disseminate general information via easily accessible, user-friendly website, social media, information sheets, posters and a newsletter [D5.4 Report on activities].
- Organize annual 2-day Workshops at the location of a Action participant (preferably in an ITC), annual 1-day seminars connected to large conferences, webinars, a final conference and two public awareness events in different countries [D5.5 Report on activities].
- Organize annual Training Schools [D5.6 Annual Training Schools and related reports].
- Regular engagement with policymakers to develop a white paper and/or roadmap [D5.7 A whitepaper and/or roadmap]

- MS8: Analysis finalized and published
- MS10: Final conference conducted.